The spinal adjustment or manipulation is the basic treatment used in chiropractic practice. This is one of the reasons why the practice is closely related to osteopaths but chiropractors would strongly defend that their practice is very different. The El Sobrante Chiropractor or any chiropractic group would refer to their treatment as chiropractic adjustment. It is believed to give a temporary pain relieving effect and a long term wellness and good disease preventive measure.
The Spinal manipulation is believed to be the most common treatment used in chiropractic care. The manual manipulation technique is done by passive maneuver where the three-joint complex is taken past its normal range of movement but doesn’t exceed the limitation of the joints. There will be an audible release which is the defining factor of the dynamic thrust.
The procedure is intended to correct the vertebral subluxation condition in chiropractic. The Chiropractic theory especially the original or the straight chiropractors believes that all kinds of diseases are caused by a misaligned spine. If there’s some blockage that prohibits the normal nerve flow of the human body it would eventually cause organ failure and then cause certain diseases. The El Sobrante Chiropractor contains a number of straights and mixers chiropractor sub-group. The two has a conflicting opinion about using some medical instruments and treatment to aid their own practices.
El Sobrante chiropractic care was not the first to use the spinal manipulation method. As early as the ancient Egyptians people have develop a certain form of spinal manipulation to help cure people. And the technique has been handed done through generation by bonesetters’ families. But the chiropractic care was the first to believe that there is a preventive and a long term effect the chiropractic adjustment gives to a patient. And they believe that the chiropractic spinal adjustments they use are unique and singular to the chiropractic profession. The procedure is more commonly known as the High Velocity Low Amplitude thrust or the HVLA. There are a few factors which may vary to different chiropractor because the procedure is usually done manually. The velocity, duration and frequency of the treatment or the body location might vary. The El Sobrante Chiropractor tries to make the treatment more similar by using a few instruments that was specially created to perform this kind of task.
There are several different techniques which the chiropractor uses to perform the spinal manipulation. Depending on the patient’s condition and age there is a technique that would suit them perfectly. And due to certain risks involved in doing the procedure, only skilled chiropractors are allowed to perform the spinal manipulation. Some chiropractor groups or what they call the mixers, pair the spinal manipulation with other forms of medical treatment such as special exercises to aid in the patients healing process. Though some chiropractor would not agree with the technique but the mixers’ idea have been generating positive reviews from patients and experts. The El Sobrante Chiropractor is one of the many groups who have the two different sub-groups of chiropractors co-existing.
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